
The simple example use ScriptableObject as the configuration method. This is the easiest way to get started with GOAP. The demo scene can be found in Demos/Simple/Scenes/SimpleDemo.unity.

Each agent has 2 separate goals: WanderGoal and FixHungerGoal. The WanderGoal will make the agent wander around the scene. The FixHungerGoal will make the agent eat apples. The agent will only eat apples if it is hungry. The agent will only wander if it is not hungry.


  • WanderGoal

  • FixHungerGoal


  • WanderAction

  • EatAppleActions

  • PickupAppleAction

  • PluckAppleAction


If the agent has a hunger > 80, it will switch to the FixHungerGoal. If the agent has a hunger < 20, it will switch to the WanderGoal.

Simple Demo Graph

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