V3.0 Upgrade guide

Before upgrading, please make sure to read the v3 Core Concepts!

1. The package

  • Remove the v2 package from your project!

  • Add the v3 package to your project.

Add the UpgradeExtensions.cs

  • Add this file to your project. This will guide you through the upgrade process:

using System;
using CrashKonijn.Agent.Core;
using CrashKonijn.Goap.Core;

namespace CrashKonijn.Goap.Core
    [Obsolete("Use IGoal instead")]
    public interface IGoalBase : IGoal {}
    [Obsolete("Use IAction instead")]
    public interface IActionBase : IAction {}

    [Obsolete("Use IGoap instead")]
    public interface IGoapRunner : IGoap {}
    [Obsolete("Use IAgentTypeConfig instead")]
    public interface IGoapSetConfig : IAgentTypeConfig {}
    [Obsolete("This doesn't exist anymore")]
    public interface IAgentDebugger {}

    public static class UpgradeExtensions
        [Obsolete("Use GetAgentType instead")]
        public static object GetGoapSet(this IGoap goap, string id) => default;

namespace CrashKonijn.Goap.Runtime
    [Obsolete("Use GoapBehaviour instead")]
    public class GoapRunnerBehaviour : GoapBehaviour, IGoapRunner {}
    [Obsolete("Use CapabilityFactoryBase instead")]
    public abstract class GoapSetFactoryBase : CapabilityFactoryBase {}
    [Obsolete("Use CapabilityBuilder instead")]
    public class GoapSetBuilder : CapabilityBuilder
        public GoapSetBuilder(string name) : base(name)
    public static class UpgradeExtensions
        [Obsolete("This doesn't exist anymore")]
        public static void SetAgentDebugger<T>(this GoapSetBuilder builder) {}
        [Obsolete("This doesn't exist anymore")]
        public static void SetAgentDebugger<T>(this CapabilityBuilder builder) {}

namespace CrashKonijn.Agent.Runtime
    public static class UpgradeExtensions
        [Obsolete("Use GoapActionProvider.RequestGoal instead")]
        public static void SetGoal<T>(this IAgent agent, bool stopAction = true)
        [Obsolete("Use GoapActionProvider.RequestGoal instead")]
        public static void SetGoal(this IAgent agent, IGoal goal, bool stopAction = true)

2. Namespaces

Remove all CrashKonijn.Goap.X namespaces. They have been simplified and all possible classes now live under these 4 namespaces. In every script that used the old namespaces, paste these 4 in. You can remove any that you don't use.

using CrashKonijn.Goap.Runtime;
using CrashKonijn.Goap.Core;
using CrashKonijn.Agent.Runtime;
using CrashKonijn.Agent.Core;

3. AgentBehaviour and ActionProvider

In v3 the AgentBehaviour has been split into the AgentBehaviour and the GoapActionProvider. Any GOAP specific data, methods and events have been moved over to the GoapActionProvider.

  • In any script where you're using GOAP related data, actions and events make sure to also get a reference to the GoapActionProvider. Change the GOAP reference to the new action provider.

var agent = this.GetComponent<AgentBehaviour>();
var provider = this.GetComponent<GoapActionProvider>();



agent.Events.OnTargetInRange += this.OnTargetInRange;
agent.Events.OnTargetChanged += this.OnTargetChanged;

provider.Events.OnNoActionFound += this.OnNoActionFound;
provider.Events.OnGoalCompleted += this.OnGoalCompleted;


  • Extend from GoapActionBase instead of ActionBase.

  • Change the signature from the Perform method to the new signature.

    • ActionRunState is now IActionRunState

    • ActionContext is now IActionContext

// Old
public override ActionRunState Perform(IMonoAgent agent, Data data, ActionContext context)

// New
public override IActionRunState Perform(IMonoAgent agent, Data data, IActionContext context)


  • In any sensor that extends LocalTargetSensorBase or LocalWorldSensorBase, change the IMonoAgent variable in the Sense method to IActionReceiver.

  • If you use any references to .transform or .gameObject, please use .Transform or .Transform.GameObject


  • The GoapConfig parameter has been replaced with IGoapConfig


  • IActionBase has been replaced with IAction

  • IGoalBase has been replaced with IGoal

  • Both IWorldSensor and ITargetSensor methods have been replaced with the ISensor method.


GoapSets have been split into AgentTypes and Capabilities. The easest way to upgrade is to convert GoapSetFactoryBase clases to CapabilityFactoryBase classes.

  • Optional: Rename any reference to GoapSet in the name of the class to Capability

  • Change GoapSetFactoryBase to CapabilityFactoryBase

  • Change the IGoapSetConfig return type of the Create method to ICapabilityConfig

  • Change the GoapSetBuilder to CapabilityBuilder

  • The AgentDebugger has be removed

Create the AgentTypeFactory

Create the AgentTypeFactory, and add the capability factory you've just upgraded.

Below is an example from the demo.

public class CleanerAgentTypeFactory : AgentTypeFactoryBase
    public override IAgentTypeConfig Create()
        var builder = new AgentTypeBuilder(SetIds.Cleaner);

        builder.CreateCapability("CleanCapability", (capability) =>
                .AddCondition<ItemsOnFloor>(Comparison.SmallerThanOrEqual, 0);
                .AddCondition<ItemsOnFloor>(Comparison.GreaterThanOrEqual, 1)


        return builder.Build();

Fixing all errors and obsolete issues

  • Fix all errors in your code.

  • After it compiles, make sure you fix all obsolete warnings.

Updating prefabs


  • The GoapRunnerBehaviour has been renamed to GoapBehaviour. Make sure to replace it.

  • Each GoapBehaviour needs a GoapController. Add the ReactiveController or the ProactiveController to the same GameObject. The ReactiveController behaves the same as in v2.

  • Remove your old GoapSet script from the GameObject.

  • Add your new AgentTypeFactories. It's advised to use a single child GameObject per AgentType. This ensures you can preview them in the graph viewer.

GoapSetBehaviours (for scriptable configs)

  • Make sure you've added the AgentTypeBehaviour to any GameObject that has the GoapSetBehaviour component.

  • Copy your settings to the new script and remove the GoapSetBehaviour scripts.

  • For each AgentType, create a scriptable AgentTypeConfig using create > Goap > AgentTypeConfig. Give the file the name of your new agent type.

  • Reference your new AgentType scriptable on the AgentTypeBehaviour


  • On your agent prefabs make sure to add the GoapActionProvider script.

  • Reference your new GoapActionProvider script in the ActionProviderBase value on the AgentBehaviour

  • When using scriptable configs, reference the correct AgentTypeBehaviour on the GoapActionProvider

Remove the UpgradeExtensions file

At this point the UpgradeExtensions should not be needed anymore, please remove it.


In v2 the OnTargetChanged event would also be called with null, in v3 the OnTargetLost event gets called instead if the target is null. You should implement this event on your move script.


The generator can help you quickly boilerplate your new classes. To use the generator please make sure to follow these steps:

  • Add a generator to your project by going right click in your project view > Create > GOAP > Generator

  • In the inspector of the generator set namespace as your root namespace.

    • For example if the namespace for your actions is CrashKonijn.Example.Actions than the root namespace is CrashKonijn.Example.

  • Make sure the folder structure for goals, actions, world keys and target keys match this screenshot. The folders for your sensors should also be here, but they don't require a specific name.

  • You can press the Check button on the generator the view all classes that it can find. Make sure it finds all your classes!

Scriptable configs


If you're using scriptable objects as your configuration method you should add [GoapId] attributes to your goal, action, key and sensor classes. These will help the system keep track of your classes, even when you change their name or namespaces!

// This can be any name, as long is is unique
// This is an example of what the generator will create for you when using the geneartor.
public class WanderTarget : TargetKeyBase {}

Scriptable GoapSet's

There's an automatic upgrader for your scriptable GoapSets! For each set do the following:

  • Create a new scriptable CapabilityConfig using Create > Goap > CapabilityConfig. Make sure to match the name of the file to the goap set that you're upgrading. The new CapabilityConfig MUST be in a subfolder of a GoapGenerator!

  • Select the GoapSet and in the inspector assign the new CapabilityConfig in the CapabilityConfig field above the Upgrade button.

  • Press the Upgrade button!

  • Your CapabilityConfig should now contain all goals, actions and sensors of your GoapSet!

  • You can use the Check Issues and then Fix Issues buttons to see and fix most reference issues.

  • Add your CapabilityConfig to the correct AgentType config.

Last updated