Through Code

Setting up your GOAP system using code is the most flexible way to configure your GOAP system. This method is more difficult to use than the ScriptableObjects method, but allows for a much more dynamic setup.

Info By using code to setup your GOAP system, you can use generic classes. This can make the setup of your GOAP system more flexible.

Example The complex demo uses code as the configuration method.


To create an agent type, you must create a class that inherits from AgentTypeFactoryBase. This class must implement the Create method which returns a IAgentTypeConfig. To make building the set easier, you can use the AgentTypeBuilder class.

using CrashKonijn.Docs.GettingStarted.Capabilities;
using CrashKonijn.Goap.Core;
using CrashKonijn.Goap.Runtime;

namespace CrashKonijn.Docs.GettingStarted.AgentTypes
    public class DemoAgentTypeFactory : AgentTypeFactoryBase
        public override IAgentTypeConfig Create()
            var factory = new AgentTypeBuilder("DemoAgent");

            return factory.Build();


To create a capability, you must create a class that inherits from CapabilityFactoryBase. This class must implement the Create method which returns a ICapabilityConfig. To make building the set easier, you can use the CapabilityBuilder class.

using CrashKonijn.Docs.GettingStarted.Actions;
using CrashKonijn.Docs.GettingStarted.Sensors;
using CrashKonijn.Goap.Core;
using CrashKonijn.Goap.Runtime;

namespace CrashKonijn.Docs.GettingStarted.Capabilities
    public class IdleCapabilityFactory : CapabilityFactoryBase
        public override ICapabilityConfig Create()
            var builder = new CapabilityBuilder("IdleCapability");

                .AddCondition<IsIdle>(Comparison.GreaterThanOrEqual, 1)


            return builder.Build();


In v3 you can add a callback to your builder methods, giving you access to the instance of each class. This allows you to set extra data.

    .SetCallback((action) =>
        action.CustomData = "Example";

Adding the set to GOAP

Add the created class to a GameObject in the scene. Add it to the list on the GoapBehaviour component. This will initialize the set.

Adding the set to the agent.

Using a script, set the AgentType property on an agent.

var goap = FindObjectOfType<GoapBehaviour>();
var type = goap.GetAgentType("DemoAgent");

agent.GetComponent<GoapActionProvider>.AgentType = type;

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