
Setup in Unity

  1. Create a new scene

  2. Create a new GameObject called Goap, add the GoapRunnerBehaviour to it.

Goap Runner Behaviour
  1. Create a folder called Configs.

  2. Within the Configs folder create a folder called TargetKeys. Within this folder press right click Create > GOAP > Target Key Config. Call the config WanderTarget.

  3. Within the Configs folder create a folder called WorldKeys. Within this folder press right click Create > GOAP > World Key Config. Call the config IsWandering.

  4. Within the Configs folder create a folder called Goals. Within this folder press right click Create > GOAP > Goal Config. Call the config WanderGoal.

    1. Select the WanderGoal script in the class property.

    2. Add a condition to the conditions property. Set the key to IsWandering, the comparison to GreaterThanOrEqual and the value to 1.

Wander Goal
  1. Within the Configs folder create a folder called Actions. Within this folder press right click Create > GOAP > Action Config. Call the config WanderAction.

    1. Select the WanderAction script in the class property.

    2. Set the target to WanderTarget.

    3. Add an effect to the effects property. Set the key to IsWandering, the increase to true.

Wander Action
  1. Within the Configs folder create a folder called TargetSensors. Within this folder press right click Create > GOAP > Target Sensor Config. Call the config WanderTargetSensor.

    1. Select the WanderTargetSensor script in the class property.

    2. Set the key to WanderTarget.

Wander Target Sensor
  1. Within the Configs folder create a folder called Sets. Within this folder press right click Create > GOAP > Goap Set Config. Call the config GettingStartedSet.

    1. Add the WanderGoal config to the goals property.

    2. Add the WanderAction config to the actions property.

    3. Add the WanderTargetSensor config to the targetSensors property.

Getting Started Set
  1. In the scene, add a GameObject called GoapSet. Add the GoapSetBehaviour to it.

    1. In the Config property of the GoapSetBehaviour select the GettingStartedSet config.

    2. In the Runner property of the GoapSetBehaviour select the Goap GameObject.

Goap Set
  1. Create a sphere GameObject called Agent. Add the AgentBehaviour, AgentMoveBehaviour and AgentBrain to the GameObject.

    1. In the GoapSetConfig property of the AgentBehaviour select the GoapSet GameObject.

  1. Run the scene. The agent should move around randomly.

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